Bath Handjob:Make sure your lust bar is at 100 then wait until either Saturday or Sunday and Click the bath icon.
Training Dee////pthroat:Saturday or Sunday take Lee jock strap if you haven’t already. Go to the Mage Quarter and get the jockstrap Transmog on you, then go back to Lee’s House and click on the bench icon.
Dinner Fu////ck:Make sure you have Verpuberia Fruit(s) in your inventory. Click on the dinner icon at Lee’s House, when you get to the part where your character remember about the fruit then click on use it and you will get the dinner fuck scene.
Paintings Handjob:On Saturday or Sunday go downstairs and click on all 3 paintings and you’ll get this scene.
Gaming Blowjob: On Saturday or Sunday talk to Lee and click on pass time and Play Video Games. Beat Lee by Clicking on Run, Deflect Arrows and Demon Form. Once you do that you’ll get this scene.
Golden Fu////ck:To get this scene you have to make sure you click on the painting with him in a golden slip which is hanging above the kitchen. Once that happen you get a dialogue from Lee saying he has something special for you next Saturday night. Once you get this dialogue then everything should be in place(Also Don’t spend the night with him, if you do then you have to wait the next week after that).